Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Ultimate 6.XX Installer preview

Hello guys,it's me again.

I'm developing a Easy-to-use Installer for 6.XX HEN.

*possibility to install 6.20 TN-C signed
*possibility to install 6.31 HEN signed
*possibility to install 6.35 HEN signed
*possibility to install 6.36 HEN AlphaV3 signed
*possibility to install a bunch of plugins
*possibility to install Davee's downgrader
*possibility to install HBL signed
will be released soon...(maybe in some days).


Hello World

Hello World,I'm a german psp-developer and that's my real blog :D

You can find me on Twitter and at my board.

look at my blog every day and maybe you'll find something cool ;)
